Monday, September 10, 2007

gecko go go

so you know that geico gecko?? im pretty sure that if i saw a talking gecko, i'd crush it, instantly. wait. actually, i'm not so sure about that. sometime last week, there was a gecko ordeal here at 102.

so mel walks out of her restroom and SCREAMS cause theres a gecko right in front of her. and when she tells me this, i'm like you're so ridiculous...but i've realized that im the biggest hypocrite. its one of those tanish/clear-looking ones. basically the ugly little creatures with beady little eyes. gross.

these little geckos are freaking fast!! it scares the crap outta me to think of how fast they can scramble. so basically, it scurries everywhere throughout mel and grace's room. and mel is freaking out and continually says how gross they are. so we've got the little sucker trapped, but we have nothing to catch it with! so we call king (the nearest boy) but, of course, hes not in his apt!! but he suggested we wrap scotch tape around a stick and try to get the gecko that way...let me just say, i HATE when geckos get loose. that damn think went into the freakin closet so we had to clear out the closet to get to it, which was a pain. hahaha i felt slightly ridiculous cause i was so cautious and kept freaking out...but not as ridiculous as mel :p.

alright well to cut to the end..among all the screaming and freaking out, we finally got that damn thing. UGH

did i mention that grace isn't scared of geckos??? too bad she wasn't home for it. ugh um did i also mention that grace set us up for the skillet robbery??? i see a trend here...hahah jk


Cynthia said...

you guys are ridiculous. but i miss y'all all the same

melody said...

hi cyn! this blog thing is funny haha i can't believe you have one emily...but here is one more comment for you!

and the gecko was DISGUSTING! ugh. i ran all the way to the dumpster that night...holding the bag at arm's length. ew i was afraid it would like crawl out of the top of the bag and like slither up my arm or something. gross! ew i'm getting all icky just thinking about it..